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Past EpiCARE's webinars replays

Past Epicare's webinars replays

Find below a table with past EpiCARE’s webinars replays.

EpiCARE ERN has launched a series of educational webinars presented by our experts. Topics are related to epilepsy diagnostics and treatment, and showcase research output from EpiCARE centres.

If you were not able to attend the live webinars, here is the possibility to access past Epicare’s webinars replays. For some of them, it is also possible to to download the presentations in a PDF format.

You can sign up to receive future EpiCARE ERN Newsletters informing about the next webinars and see the program of the next webinars on this page.

Diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy related to Ring Chromosome 20 Syndrome
June 25, 2020 5:00 pm
Sameer Zuberi
See the video