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April 4, 2024 – April 5, 2024 all-day

The EU Reference Network ITHACA announces the 2-day European workshop on the multifaceted care and research of genetic neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). This meeting will be fully supported by the E uropean Union to enhance cross-border and multidisciplinary knowledge exchange and collaboration.

Attendance is free of charge. However, please register timely because the total number of participants it can host is limited to 250.

The steep increase in genetic diagnoses has implications for many clinical areas and directions of pre-clinical research. EuroNDD 2024 will therefore cover the following six themes:

  1. genes & pathways
  2.  mechanisms of disease, model system & translational pre-clinical work
  3. applied & emerging therapies
  4. diagnostics
  5. polyhandicap – profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD)
  6. ethical, legal and psycho-social aspects

Aligned to the six themes, we will have plenary & parallel lectures, abstract presentations & poster pitch presentations. The parallel session will be followed by a selection of dedicated round tables.

All our registrants will get informed by the end of December about the roundtables they can select from.

The workshop program will stimulate a broad exchange between members of various disciplines such as geneticists, paediatricians, neurologists, psychiatrists and all other specialists involved in care and scientist in basic and translational research involving patients with neurodevelopmental disorders.

The call for abstract runs until November 30th. For more details, please check: Abstract Submission – ERN ITHACA (

Registration runs from 15 November until 22 December 2023, please check: Registration and Travel – ERN ITHACA (