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April 26, 2023 – April 29, 2023 all-day
3rd EPIPED Course : treatment strategies in pediatric epilepsies @ Girona | Catalonia | Spain

The aim of the 3 year cycle EPIPED Treatment is to reduce the geographical and knowledge
gap by providing neurologists and child neurologists involved in epilepsy care the opportunity
for a regular update on best treatment practices. The concept of EPIPED is based on a 3 year
cycle of independent annual training courses , developed specifically for child neurologists,
physicians and epilepsy nurses caring for patients with epilepsy.

A limited number of plenary interactive sessions cover different aspects of treatment
strategies in children with all types of epilepsies, particularly the rare and complex ones.
Topics treated are related to pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, genetics,
analysis of AED trials, design of clinical trials, pre surgical evaluation, optimal choice of AEDs,
review of existing guidelines (ILAE, NICE, other), data on ketogenic diet, neurostimulation,
indications for resective and palliative surgery, pharmacological treatments other than with
AEDs, update on the development of targeted therapies.

This link gives you access to the full program of the 3 year cycle.

An important number of interactive modules allow participants, limited to 10 15 per group, to
discuss with experts regarding the best clinical practices and therapeutic strategies.
Participants, limited to 40 45, are offered the opportunity to also bring their own clinical cases
for discussion of optimal treatment approaches. This educational activity is addressing the
corresponding learning objectives of the ILAE curriculum (Blümcke et al 2019)