EpiCARE Case discussions

Case discussions are an integral role of European Reference Networks (ERNs) and are in line with the European Commission’s directive.

EpiCARE Case Discussions are scheduled every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 4:00pm to 5:30pm CET. Both surgical and non-surgical cases are discussed by panels of experts, full or affiliated members of EpiCARE (see the agenda below).

Cases can only be presented by medical teams (already members or invited by EpiCARE). Respecting EU General Protection Data Regulations (GDPR), participation is strictly reserved to health care professionals that receive a pre-registration link.

Only 2 cases per session can be discussed. Reservations can be made by contacting as early as possible the EpiCARE CPMS Manager: n.lawrence@epi-care.eu. To participate in a case discussion, you need to be an EpiCARE member, create an EU login and request access to CPMS. All is explained in the CPMS user guide. If you are not an EpiCARE member and want to know more information, please contact Helpdesk.

To prepare a case for presentation you need to first download and read the Guidelines and watch the training video below. Here is a guide to help organise meetings on CPMS.

Register here to receive the EpiCARE Case Discussion notifications.

Surgical case discussions

MonthDateTime (CET)ChairCo-chair
January15/01/202516:00-17:30Petr MarusicLuca De Palma
January29/01/202516:00-17:30Victoria San Antonio ArcePetr Marusic
February26/02/202516:00-17:30Luca De Palma
March12/03/202516:00-17:30Carmen Barba
March26/03/202516:00-17:30Kees Braun
April09/04/202516:00-17:30Luca De Palma
April23/04/202516:00-17:30Philippe RyvlinSylvain Rheims
May14/05/202516:00-17:30Philippe Ryvlin
May28/05/202516:00-17:30Helen CrossAlexandre Campos
June04/06/202516:00-17:30Victoria San Antonio Arce
June25/06/202516:00-17:30Marta Feucht
July02/07/202516:00-17:30Sylvain RheimsPhilippe Ryvlin
July23/07/202516:00-17:30H. Hamer
September24/09/202516:00-17:30Philippe Ryvlin
October08/10/202516:00-17:30Carmen BarbaPhilippe Ryvlin
October22/10/202516:00-17:30Hajo HamerHelen Cross
November12/11/202516:00-17:30Marta FeuchtPhilippe Ryvlin
December10/12/202516:00-17:30Philippe RyvlinLuca De Palma

Non-surgical case discussions

MonthDateTime (CET)ChairCo-Chair
January22/01/202516:00-17:30Elena GardellaMasa Malenica
February19/02/202516:00-17:30Francesca Bisulli Rima Nabbout
March19/03/202516:00-17:30Lieven LagaeAlec Aeby
April16/04/202516:00-17:30Tobias BaumgartnerNicola Specchio
May21/05/202516:00-17:30Rima Nabbout
June18/06/202516:00-17:30Alec Aeby Guido Rubboli
July16/07/202516:00-17:30Vicente VillanuevaFrancesca Bisulli
September17/09/202516:00-17:30Elena Gardella
October15/10/202516:00-17:30Nicola Specchio
November19/11/202516:00-17:30Valentina Di Giorgis