EpiCARE Research Council

The ERNs, although funded by the EU4Health program, are not research projects per se and cannot directly fund research and innovation initiatives. But, fostering research and innovation is, according to the EU Directive, one of their main missions. Consequently, the ERNs offer unique opportunities to medical teams, members or not of the network, who wish to develop, lead, and submit grant applications for research projects or just be partners in a funded project.

Most of the EpiCARE WGs are also contributing in fostering research. Every effort is also made by our patient advocates group to be represented, when needed, in WGs, thus contributing to a better understanding of patient needs and expected outcomes.

To ensure an optimal coordination to foster research and innovation, EpiCARE funds a qualified Research Project Manager, experienced in epilepsy projects.

The Research Council aims to stimulate multicentre studies; optimize ethical, methodological, and statistical approaches; improve and optimize trial feasibility and reliability. Between other missions, the members of the Research Council also contribute and/or follow the activities of projects such as the EJP RD, SOLVE-RD, ERICA, EBRAINS, Human Brain Project, EpiCLUSTER , ERDERA, and others.

Upon request, the Research Council supports EpiCARE members wishing to evaluate a research project before submission, provides advice for collaboration with other medical teams, members or not of the network. It can also provide letters of support by the network, particularly by reinforcing the feasibility information for a given project (use of the Registry; proposal for EpiCARE partners etc.).

The council shares with all, 3 times per year, a Newsletter including updated information on HORIZON and other research calls.

To qualify as an “EpiCARE Project”

We define as an “EpiCARE project”, those that are developed under the leadership of two or more EpiCARE-accredited medical teams OR by a single EpiCARE center where data collection also involves other members of EpiCARE. Of course, medical teams not being part of the network are welcome. To be presented as an “EpiCARE project” it must be proposed to the Research Council prior to any funding application, and have undergone a quality check/peer review.

To receive support by the ERN network

Any medical team wishing to submit a grant application for a research project, mentioning EpiCARE as a partner (in which case at least one EpiCARE medical team has to be involved in the project itself) or requesting just a support letter on the content will have to submit to the RC for quality evaluation a well-advanced draft application, minimum 3 weeks before submission. On reception the RC will nominate one or more reviewers from EpiCARE and advice will be provided within 2-3 weeks.

Members are: Alexis Arzimanoglou (Spain), Sandor Beniczky (Denmark), Ingmar Blümcke (Germany), Kees Brown (The Netherlands), Helen Cross (UK), Philippe Ryvlin (Swithzerland), Renzo Guerrini (Italy), Rainer Surges (Germany), Eugen Trinka (Austria), Lieven Lagae (Belgium), and Rima Nabbout (France).

Epicare Lyon 2020-01

On this page, we will share recent calls that could be of interest.
If you plan to work on one of this calls, please inform the Research Council liaison, Nicola. or Sébile.

You can sign up below to receive the EpiCARE Research Calls Newsletters, sent a few times a year, to inform about the new research calls: