The EpiCARE Neuroimaging work group, led by Prof. Marusic from Motol University Hospital (Prague, Czech Republic) and by Dr. Sophie Adler, from UCL (London, UK), have organised 5 neuroimaging workshops. You will find below more details on the workshops, as well as links to replay the workshops.

30th January 2025: Automated detection of Hippocampal Sclerosis using AID-HS workshop

This workshop, led by Dr Mathilde Ripart, Dr Konrad Wagstyl and Dr Sophie Adler from the Multi-centre Epilepsy Lesion Detection (MELD) Project, occurred in January 2025. It was an interactive workshop about AID-HS – a package for automated detection of hippocampal sclerosis that was published in Annals of Neurology in 2024 (here is a link to the paper).

The first section of the workshop covered background about how the Automated Interpretable Detection of Hippocampal Sclerosis (AID-HS) package was developed and went through example patients (here is a link to the recording).

The second section of the workshop covered the practical parts of how to install, prepare the MRI data, harmonise the data and run the pipeline.

The MELD Project has YouTube videos covering:

28th November 2024: Automated detection of FCDs using MELD Graph workshop

This workshop, led by Dr Konrad Wagstyl, Dr Sophie Adler and Ms Mathilde Ripart from the Multi-centre Epilepsy Lesion Detection (MELD) Project, occurred in November 2024. It was structured as follows:

  1. Talk providing background about the MELD project, an overview of the MELD graph algorithm and an explanation about how to quality check and visualise the outputs of the algorithm (here is a link to the recording of the workshop )
  2. Tutorial covering how to install the software and explanation of how to harmonise data and run a patient’s T1 +/- FLAIR through the algorithm

The MELD Project also has YouTube videos covering:

Installation (for Linux / Windows users)

Installation (for Mac users)

Harmonisation of your data

Run the algorithm on a new patient

How to view, interpret and QC the MELD pipeline outputs

The MELD team also conducted a workshop for EpiCARE in 2022, which covered the previous FCD detection algorithm that used a multi-layer perceptron.

PET workshop

This workshop started with a talk by Prof Matthias Koepp

“Using PET to understand mechanisms of seizure development and suppression and to characterise and predict seizure outcome, cognition and comorbidities in epilepsy” 

This was followed by a practical tutorial by Dr Petr Jezdik on PET /MRI image co-registration to identify hypometabolism related to epileptogenic tissue and an advanced tutorial by Dr Radek Janca on partial volume correction

EpiCARE Neuroimaging workshop on PET – part 1 (Prof Koepp and Dr Jezdik)

 EpiCARE Neuroimaging workshop on PET – part 2  (Dr Janca)

MAP workshop
  • This workshop started with a talk by Prof. Horst Urbach

“Within a minute” detection of focal cortical dysplasias.

  • This was followed by a talk by Prof. Giorgi Kuchukhidze

“The role of post-processing (MAP18) in identification of epileptogenic lesions”

Youtube link to access the EpiCARE Neuroimaging workshop on MAP