European Joint Programme on Rare Disease


The European Joint Programme on Rare Disease (EJP RD) has two major objectives:

  • To improve the integration, the efficacy, the production and the social impact of research on RD. This is done through the development, demonstration and promotion of Europe/world-wide sharing of research and clinical data, materials, processes, knowledge and know-how.
  • To implement and further develop an efficient model of financial support for all types of research on RD (fundamental, clinical, epidemiological, social, economic, health service). Coupled with accelerated exploitation of research results, for benefit of patients.

In short, The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) is a programme aiming to create an effective rare diseases research ecosystem for progress, innovation. The goal is to benefit everyone with a rare disease. We support rare diseases stakeholders by funding research, bringing together data resources & tools, providing dedicated training courses, and translating high quality research into effective treatments.

Joint programme on Rare Disease

To this end, the EJP RD actions will be organized within four major Pillars assisted by the central coordination:

  • (P1): Funding of research
  • (P2): Coordinated access to data and services
  • (P3) Capacity building
  • (P4): Accelerated translation of research projects and improvement outcomes of clinical studies.

Our agenda features events organised by the EJ PRD.

European Joint Programme on Rare Disease