EpiCARE is the European Reference Network for all rare and complex epilepsies. The ERNs aim to improve care for rare diseases, reduce inequalities in access to the best diagnostic, treatment practices and investigational tools.

The ERN is composed by 61 medical teams of experts, accredited by their respective national authorities and the European Commission. It is present in 24/27 EU countries and in Norway. Supporting medical teams are present in Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland, Switzerland and in the UK.

In October 2023, the administrative coordination of EpiCARE was entrusted to the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, under the leadership and coordination of Professor Dr. Alexis Arzimanoglou.

Next EpiCARE Webinar

One more year, we invited two esteemed colleagues, Professors Andriy Dubenko and Volodymyr Kharytonov, to share their experiences during these challenging years of war. We deeply admire their unwavering dedication to epilepsy care and their efforts to maintain access to treatment despite the ongoing difficulties.

🧠Join us for an insightful webinar: “Ukraine experience”.

Speakers: Andriy Dubenko and Volodymyr Kharytonov

🗓️Date: 13th February 2025
🕒Time: 17:00 CET

Registration here! 

Click here to access to past webinars

Save the date: Join the EPIPED Course 2025 in Girona, Spain!

We’re excited to announce the EPIPED Course 2025, taking place from April 23 to 26 in Girona, Spain! This course marks the second year of the current 3-year EPIPED cycle (2024-2026), a unique, international training designed to bridge geographical and knowledge gaps in epilepsy care.

The EPIPED-Treatment cycle (2024-2026) aims to regularly update neurologists and child neurologists on the best practices in epilepsy treatment.

Calls for collaborative genetic research

The Genetic Research workgroup is sharing opportunities of collaborative calls for European series of patients carrying variants in already known genes, to facilitate this type of studies by connecting several centers across Europe involved in the study of genetic epilepsies.

Have a look at the calls for collaborative genetic research here, and contact Sébile Tchaicha, Research project manager, if you have any question !

to regularly update neurologists and child neurologists on the best practices in epilepsy treatment.

EpiCARE: a European Reference Network
for rare and complex epilepsies

The European Reference Networks (ERNs) were launched in 2017. They involve more than 900 highly specialised health care teams, located in more than 300 hospitals in 24 European countries and in Norway. The main mission of the ERNs is to help patients with rare or low-prevalence complex diseases, and to shape healthcare systems and national networks.

A disease is defined as rare when it affects fewer than one in 2 000 people, is serious, chronic and often life-threatening. Between 5 000 and 8 000 of rare diseases affect daily life of around 30 million people in the EU.

The ERN EpiCARE brings together highly specialized health centres (38 full members and 12 affiliated partners) in 26 European countries with expertise in rare and complex epilepsies.

If you are a healthcare professional and would like to refer a patient to us, or if you are a patient yourself, or a family member of a patient, please get in touch via our contact page.


The rare disease community comes together in calling on the EU institutions and our national governments to stand by the European Reference Networks, and to uphold their commitment to enable long-lasting impact in people’s lives and, fundamentally, give all people living with a rare or complex condition in Europe the same opportunities to access timely and adequate specialised healthcare. Read the open letter from the rare disease community here

The objectives of the EpiCARE network



To improve accessibility of detailed diagnostics to individuals of all ages with rare and complex epilepsies across Europe, including clinical evaluation and investigation.


Developing treatment

To develop treatment protocols and monitor standardised outcomes of rare and complex epilepsies.



To improve awareness and accessibility to protocols for physicians and individuals with rare and complex epilepsies across Europe for treatment.



To enhance educational activities and training opportunities across Europe by interchange across the network.


Collaborative research

To enhance opportunities for registries, and collaborative research for the benefit of individuals with rare and complex epilepsies across Europe.


International Symposium: Neurodevelopmental Syndromes and Movement Disorders @ Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Feb 6 – Feb 7 all-day

On February 6th and 7th, 2025, the International Symposium: Neurodevelopmental Syndromes and Movement Disorders, endorsed by ERN EpiCARE, will be held in Barcelona (Spain). The aim of the event is to continue collaborative activities between professionals interested in neurodevelopmental syndromes and movement disorders. Sign up, and do not miss the chance to showcase your work at the International Symposium. Registration (Deadline December 16th)Abstract submission (Deadline December 5th)

Monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion
Feb 13 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Organized by Prof. Ingmar Blümcke from the University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany, the monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion is still going!

The ZOOM link is always the same for all meetings and attached below for your information. Please feel free to share and invite your colleagues !


The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Other Neurological Disorders @ Breckenridge Colorado
Mar 6 all-day

Explore the preliminary program for the 3rd Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders (AI Epilepsy 2025).

Monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion
Mar 13 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Organized by Prof. Ingmar Blümcke from the University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany, the monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion is still going!

The ZOOM link is always the same for all meetings and attached below for your information. Please feel free to share and invite your colleagues !


STESS 2025 @ Wallenberg Centre, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Apr 2 – Apr 4 all-day

The third International congress on Structural Epilepsy & Symptomatic Seizures will be held in Wallenberg Centre, Gothenburg.

In 2019 and 2023, the first two editions of the congress Seizures and Stroke attracted over 130 participants each, from over ten countries to Gothenburg. Our meeting now returns – with a widened scope to all symptomatic and structural epilepsies. A three-day program of cutting-edge research and clinical presentations are combined with a teaching course for scientists and clinicians starting out in the field, and there are ample poster- and platform-presentation opportunities.

Monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion
Apr 10 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Organized by Prof. Ingmar Blümcke from the University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany, the monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion is still going!

The ZOOM link is always the same for all meetings and attached below for your information. Please feel free to share and invite your colleagues !


EPIPED Course @ Hotel Carlemany Girona
Apr 23 – Apr 26 all-day

We’re excited to announce the EPIPED Course 2025, taking place from April 23 to 26 in Girona, Spain! This course marks the second year of the current 3-year EPIPED cycle (2024-2026), a unique, international training designed to bridge geographical and knowledge gaps in epilepsy care.

Save the date and join the EPIPED Course 2025 in Girona, Spain!



Monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion
May 8 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Organized by Prof. Ingmar Blümcke from the University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany, the monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion is still going!

The ZOOM link is always the same for all meetings and attached below for your information. Please feel free to share and invite your colleagues !


12th International Course on Drug Resistant Epilepsies @ Church of Saint Francis (Tagliacozzo)
May 11 – May 17 all-day

The Neurology, Epilepsy and Movement Disorders Unit of Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital – IRCCS, and the Paediatric Neurorehabilitation Department of San Raffaele IRCCS Rome, Italy with the endorsement of ILAE-Europe, EpiCARE, and Lega Italiana contro l’Epilessia (LICE), present the educational initiative “Drug Resistant Epilepsies – 12th International Residential Course” that will take place in Tagliacozzo, Italy.

Monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion
Jun 12 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Organized by Prof. Ingmar Blümcke from the University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany, the monthly EpiCARE post-surgical case discussion is still going!

The ZOOM link is always the same for all meetings and attached below for your information. Please feel free to share and invite your colleagues !