We are pleased to inform you that the call for new members to join existing ERNs is going to be open on the 30 of September 2019 until 30 of November 2019.
You will find more information on the call and access to all relevant documents in the following website: https://ec.europa.eu/health/ern/consultations/2019_call_membership_en
The application tool will be activated on the 30 of September at 12.00 pm (CET).
The role of the ERN Coordinators at this stage of the process is to provide to the Applicants that might contact them any clarification on the scope, organisation and goals of each Network. For that, we provided on the website the list of the contact details with the functional mailbox of the Networks (these Networks that are pending to provide their functional mailbox please send it to us as soon as possible).
The role of the Member State (MS) at this stage of the process is to provide a written statement of endorsement for the Healthcare Provider certifying that its participation in the European Reference Network (ERN) is in accordance with its national legislation. The MS is responsible for defining its national process to support eligible Healthcare Providers and ensuring that this process is transparent.
Please be reminded that the launch of the call (30 of September) also marks the end of the designation period for Affiliated Partners, as agreed with the Board.