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19th Advanced San Servolo Epilepsy Course

Venice International University – International School of Neurological Sciences of Venice 19th Advanced San Servolo Epilepsy Course : Early pediatric onset epilepsies: from syndrome and management to future perspectives July 17– 28, 2023 San Servolo (Venice) Italy Course Directors: Carla Marini (Italy) and Stéphane Auvin (France) The Course is primarily targeted at neuropediatricians, neurophysiologists, neuropsychiatrists […]

3rd Rome Workshop: from Epileptogenesis to Clinical care

The third edition of the Rome workshop “In search of lost time” is taking place this winter, from December 13th to 15th ! Speakers will discuss epiletogenesis, and its links to clinical care. The event is organised by the Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome, Italy, and endorsed by EpiCARE, the ILAE, and the LICE. Great news: The […]

4EU Course on Pathogenesis of Epilepsy

Why this course? Epilepsy affects 40 million people worldwide. One third of people with epilepsy doesn’t respond to third of people with epilepsy doesn’t respond to available antiavailable anti–seizure therapy. The development of seizure therapy. The development of innovative therapies is the priority of innovative therapies is the priority of contemporary epilepsy research.contemporary epilepsy research. […]