Why this course?
Epilepsy affects 40 million people worldwide. One third of people with epilepsy doesn’t respond to third of people with epilepsy doesn’t respond to available antiavailable anti–seizure therapy. The development of seizure therapy. The development of innovative therapies is the priority of innovative therapies is the priority of contemporary epilepsy research.contemporary epilepsy research.
To achieve this goal, the professionals working in epilepsy research need to understand the epilepsy research need to understand the mechanism that underlie the pathogenesis of mechanism that underlie the pathogenesis of epilepsy and seizures combined with epilepsy and seizures combined with understanding of the emerging technologies to understanding of the emerging technologies to study and treat epilepsy.study and treat epilepsy.
In response to this need, we have brought together a faculty of epilepsy specialists to develop and a faculty of epilepsy specialists to develop and deliver an international course. The course aims to deliver an international course. The course aims to be highly didactic and promoting the close be highly didactic and promoting the close interaction between participants and tutors. interaction between participants and tutors.
4EU+ Alliance ––Pathogenesis of EpilepsyPathogenesis of Epilepsy
14 Week Online Course
Who this course if for?
The course is international and explores the and explores the neurobiology of epilepsy neurobiology of epilepsy from basic and clinical perspectives.
The main objectives of this course of this course are to:
–deepen your knowledge on the pathophysiology of epilepsy and seizure
–introduce you modern modern research tools that are used in epilepsy research
–identify the current identify the current challenges and complex issues in epilepsy and issues in epilepsy and understand the patients’ needs.
The course will appeal to the following professional the following professional and students:
–Undergraduateand Ph.D. students of various disciplines who are interested in epilepsy research
–Researchers from academia or industry seeking to upskill in the sarea of epilepsy research and e therapy development
–Clinicians seeking to appraise insights into the basic mechanisms of basic mechanisms of epilepsy
Find out more and Apply
The deadline for applications is December 13 th 2022
The course begins on February 23rd, 2023.
For details on the program, registration fees, and the application process please visit: https://4euepilepsy.lf2.cuni.cz/
Email: pavla.byrne@lfmotol.cuni.cz