Competency-based e-learning in epileptology – testers wanted

International League Against Epilepsy

The International League Against Epilepsy is developing interactive, online epilepsy training modules. Each training module will be based on a clinical case that a ‘doctor’ needs to treat in a virtual hospital.

EpiCARE will join this initiative and develop 10 rare epilepsy training modules.

In 2020, the ILAE Academy will launch a series of case-based eLearning modules for epileptology for Level 1 (Entry) addressing all learning objectives specified in the recently published curriculum.

In preparation for the launch, the ILAE Academy will be open for an exclusive Pilot Phase! Free access to a series of 3 newly designed self-paced e-learning courses presenting common epilepsies in a patient case scenario to successful applicants.

Participants should provide feedback however, to help erase bugs and refine the courses to user needs. Certificates can be earned upon passing a final test and completing the feedback form.

When the Academy will be fully active our teaching portfolio will include:

  • Self-paced (tutorless) case-based e-learning courses on the most common epilepsies – from diagnosis to treatment
  • Self-paced (tutorless) neuroimaging e-learning course
  • VIREPA tutor-based courses in EEG
  • Resources such as diagnostic manual, eBrain modules, open-access publications, and ILAE clinical practice guidelines

Openings for the Pilot Phase are limited to 50 participants and our web-based application will close November 29 (1st come 1st serve). The Pilot Phase will end January 6th, 2020.

Target audience: Healthcare professionals at the entry level for epileptology (ILAE Curriculum level 1)

For more information and your application, please, visit the ILAE Academy

Please download the full leaflet here.

Prof Ingmar Blümcke explains this program in detail below:

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