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What is an European Reference Network?

European Reference Networks (ERN)

European Reference Networks (ERN) are virtual networks involving specialist healthcare providers across Europe. They aim to tackle complex or rare medical diseases or conditions that require highly specialised treatment and a concentration of knowledge and resources. The European Reference Networks are part of a broader EU strategy to make the national and European health systems more efficient, accessible and resilient.

The 24 European Reference Networks

There are currently 24 ERNs across the EU and Norway:

  1. Endo-ERN: European Reference Network on endocrine conditions.
  2. ERKNet: European Reference Network on kidney diseases.
  3. ERN BOND: European Reference Network on bone disorders.
  4. ERN CRANIO: European Reference Network on craniofacial anomalies and ENT disorders.
  5. ERN EpiCARE: European Reference Network on epilepsies.
  6. ERN EURACAN: European Reference Network on adult cancers (solid tumours).
  7. ERN EuroBloodNet: European Reference Network on haematological diseases.
  8. ERN eUROGEN: European Reference Network on urogenital diseases and conditions.
  9. ERN EURO-NMD: European Reference Network on neuromuscular diseases.
  10. ERN EYE: European Reference Network on eye diseases.
  11. ERN GENTURIS: European Reference Network on genetic tumour risk syndromes.
  12. ERN GUARD-HEART: European Reference Network on diseases of the heart.
  13. ERNICA: European Reference Network on inherited and congenital anomalies.
  14. ERN ITHACA: European Reference Network on congenital malformations and rare intellectual disability.
  15. ERN LUNG: European Reference Network on respiratory diseases.
  16. ERN PaedCan: European Reference Network on paediatric cancer (haemato-oncology).
  17. ERN RARE-LIVER: European Reference Network on hepatological diseases.
  18. ERN ReCONNET: European Reference Network on connective tissue and musculoskeletal diseases.
  19. ERN RITA: European Reference Network on immunodeficiency, autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
  20. ERN-RND: European Reference Network on neurological diseases.
  21. ERN Skin: European Reference Network on skin disorders.
  22. ERN TRANSPLANT-CHILD: European Reference Network on transplantation in children.
  23. MetabERN: European Reference Network on hereditary metabolic disorders.
  24. VASCERN: European Reference Network on multisystemic vascular diseases.

Information for Cross-border healthcare

All citizens of the European Union have the right to cross-border healthcare. Rules are provided for facilitating the access to safe and high-quality healthcare in not only ones own country, but within another EU member state as well. The EU promotes cooperation on healthcare between Member States, in full respect of national competencies in organising and delivering healthcare.